Here’s Elliot’s take on this week’s media trawl. Lets start off with an an inspiring video.
What a fantastic story. Lets pray for many hearts to be changed. Jesus start with mine.
Others too may have had preconceptions challenged as they attended 'Visit My Mosque Day'.
Lets pray for greater understanding, compassion and boldness to share Jesus with everyone we encounter.
“We are white, European, Christian”
So says a Mayor in Hungary. Looks like some he didn’t take the opportunity to have his thinking challenged or to see things from another point of view.
What about me. Do I use Jesus to justify my decisions, or do I allow Jesus to use me to welcome others?
"If you leave a dog here it will die," says a refugee in the same part of the world where the desperate situation of refugees has been highlighted.
Pray for these people stuck with no human hope of a solution.
“Right now the only feeling I have is fear. Please pray for us”
Say people travelling to America. The repeal of the travel ban has meant that some have made it to America in spite of all the many difficulties.
Back in the UK the government has changed its mind about the number of unaccompanied minors allowed to resettle. 350 unaccompanied instead of the anticipated thousands. Praying is good. But let’s petition and write to our MPs too!
Pray that our hearts are softened to those around us. May our prayer spur us into action to enable us to construct bigger tables, so we can all share together, instead building bigger walls to cower behind ‘safe and secure’ in our isolation.