Day 14 of 30: Movement
By Thomas, a friend of Mahabba working in Germany
Inspired by today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer, but with a UK twist!
Daily verse
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
Thought for the day
Over the last few years some leaders of unity movements around the world have been connecting together.
They have been sharing what God has been doing, learning from each other and being inspired for further collaborations.
One network ‘Together for Berlin’ hosted an opportunity for leaders from different countries to come together.
I was encouraged to listen to the stories of the 8 city network leaders from the UK who shared many encouraging experiences of what God is doing there.
We were able to pray for one another and for our cities that God's Kingdom would come.
Already more than 54% of the world’s population lives in cities and it’ll continue to rise.
City reaching is a strategic way of reaching the nations at our door steps as more and more immigrants – many from unreached people groups and religions- are moving into our neighbourhoods - yet the church is still not aware of the immense opportunities this presents.
We have people from more than 100 different nations living in all major cities in Europe already.
It’ll bring many challenges to all of us but it’ll also be a strategic way of building God’s Kingdom.
I believe that God is orchestrating these global moves for his purposes.
Prayer for the day
Pray for real unity among movements in Europe serving refugees in various cities, that refugees will be attracted by the love they see in Christians who are serving them.
Daily action
Try using the Resource ‘Praying as small group’ or ‘Want to pray for M World in Small group’ (2/2).
Your turn
Let us know how it went! Leave a comment below, or tag us on social media with the #lovefast hashtag on social media. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter!