Day 27 of 30
By Georgina from Mahabba’s Network Team
Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”
Thought for the day
Perpetual nomads
Once you start thinking about it, the Bible is really built around nomads.
Abraham is called to the Promised Land but takes a lifetime to get there; the Israelites wander for 40 years and are not long settled before they are taken into exile.
Jesus has no place to lay his head and St. Paul's life is characterised by travels, even in captivity.
These are examples of people who were physically nomadic but there are also those who are mentally nomadic.
Peter took years to move from his Jewish culture to the freedom offered in Christ.
Acts 10:9-16 shows that Peter struggled with Jewish food laws long after his walk with Christ as disciple.
In the same way, believers from Muslim background may stay in one geographic place but they traverse different worlds.
They may settle quickly into a new Christian 'culture' or they may take the rest of their lives to settle, always negotiating two identities.
In the same way, refugees, exiles and immigrants may be perpetual nomads.
Perhaps we can learn from them what it is to 'not be of this world' and yet to be sent to the world (John 17:14-19).
Prayer for the day
Lord Jesus, help us to find our full identity in You, and help us to share you with others so they too can discover who they really are…
Daily action
See if you can host the course, Joining the Family, in your congregation or home group.
Your turn
Let us know how it went! Leave a comment below, or tag us on social media with the #lovefast hashtag on social media. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter!
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Pray Together as a Congregation
Small Group Session
Night of Power Prayer Meeting
Prayer Walk Guide
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