The final outcome
This is a real-life story of recent events from one of the local Mahabba groups in the Network. Names and details have been deliberately removed to protect the identity of those involved, but praise God - he is working in the lives of Muslims to reveal Jesus!
We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands
Sometimes what seems like a failure may not be such a crushing blow for God, after all nothing takes him by surprise!
Each week I am part of a class where people learn English and study the Bible.
It’s a discovery Bible study type of approach, with the emphasis being on living out what we have learned, as well as praying for each other.
People from a range of nationalities attend - most of whom are of a Muslim background. Numbers can fluctuate - from a low of 3 to a high of 25+.
Last week only one person came, which has never happened before!
It could have felt like total abject failure. I felt disappointed initially.
However we used the time to visit him, help him clean his house. Then we had a drink and prayed for each other in a nearby supermarket car park.
This week ten people from four different countries showed up!
So was last week a waste of time and resources? I don’t think so!
I think it was good to spend time and hopefully encourage one person. Perhaps we can take comfort that: We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands.
“We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s hands.”
Your turn
Have you been touched by this story? If so, you can play your part.
- Share the amazing news of God moving among Muslim with your friends via e-mail or social media, using the links below
- Find your local Mahabba group and join us in prayer and action to see Muslims impacted with the love of Jesus