Image: Hello Lightbulb, Unsplash
Lovefast 14: Waiting
By Elliot from Mahabba Derby
Inspired by 'A Syrian refugee family waits' from 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet
Daily verse
“When the wicked advance against me
to devour me,
it is my enemies and my foes
who will stumble and fall.”
Thought for the day
We can wait with a sense of excitement or we can wait hopelessly caught up in despair.
Waiting is difficult when there is no end in sight.
Asylum seekers in the UK have to wait for an interview with the home office.
They have to wait for the results of the interview.
If granted leave to remain they have to wait for a National Insurance number.
When there are difficulties with housing they can wait months for things to be fixed.
Waiting months for a washing machine to be fixed is hard when you are a mum and you have a new baby in the house.
Waiting for the war to finish that has destroyed your country and separated your family.
Waiting, hoping, but not hearing if your family are still alive is unimaginable to me but a daily reality for many.
This week I’ve come across someone who has been in the UK for less than a year and had his first application rejected, he is now waiting to appeal.
I have also come across someone who has been in the UK for seven years and is on their forth appeal.
They are still waiting.
Today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet
Inspiration for today's entry - click to open
Prayer for the day
Pray for those refugees who are waiting for decisions, for family.
Daily action
Use your waiting time today to be aware of the presence of God today.
Your turn
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