Image: rod_waddington, Flickr
Lovefast 10 | Family in Yemen: where tradition prevails
By Gordon from Mahabba Oxford
Daily verse
“Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that”
Thought for the day
I spent a few years as a child growing up in Aden which is now South Yemen.
Travelling through the region and what we called “the Crater” area, it was as if nothing had changed for centuries.
Years later I was to see the same traditional family values and culture hidden for centuries in the Alamut valley, in Iran, just north of Tehran.
“Traditional Family” is at the core of the preservation of Islamic culture, and whilst we know how controlling and dominant it can be sometimes, it can also be a significant factor in halting the erosion of secular and worldly pressures on family values and morality.
As Christians, we can use this factor of common family values and morality which we share, and see it as a bridge into their world.
Often their aversion to Christian faith is a misunderstanding that our culture is Christian! Quite the opposite!
Inspired by today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Prayer for the day
Father, let me see the traditions which I keep which have nothing to do with your word. Help me to stop judging Muslims and realise that I also am blinded by my own traditions.
Daily action
Sorry - no action today. Put your feet up!
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