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Day 7 of 30
By Ted Bearup from the Mahabba team
Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.”
Thought for the day
Muslim missionaries
Ask around and you will find key people active in churches who did some short-term mission in the past. In the 1960s, Operation Mobilisation and Youth With A Mission led the way getting young people into radical mission trips. Before that, short-term missions were just not thought of. But these were not the first.
Back in 1926, a short-term mission was founded in India. It is called the Tablighi Jamaat and is an Islamic movement, the biggest mission in the world today. The HQ for Europe is in Dewsbury. TJ calls nominal Muslims to an engaged and missional life style. It is extraordinarily low-tec. No social media, no publicity, no audio-visuals, just face to face contact.
Many British Muslims, mainly men but also women, have been on short mission trips. There is something about setting aside the norms of daily life to put into practice the things you have always believed with a motivated group. When it comes to doing getting mission done, our minds tend to turn very quickly to tools, media and technology. Those things are good, but more can be achieved with a simple message, a clear intention and face-to-face contact than we realise.
Prayer for the day
“Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.” Edward McKendree Bounds
Pray for those who spread their message of submission with zeal and passion. Pray that they too may encounter Isa al Massih in a dream or vision and seek to follow Him with a new zeal and passion.
Daily action
Please note: actions were written before the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult the latest advice from your local public health authority or government and adhere to any current restrictions on travel or social situations.
Read this article on Tablighi Jemaat: Islam is also a missionary faith so if you see a Muslim missionary be prepared to engage with them relationally with "a simple message, a clear intention and face-to-face contact."
Remember the mnemonic: ISLAM = 'I Sincerely Love All Muslims'
Your turn
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Do you want to involve your church in blessing Muslim people through prayer and friendship?
There are new 30 Days of Prayer church resources available for you:
Pray Together as a Congregation
Small Group Session
Night of Power Prayer Meeting
Prayer Walk Guide
What’s your next step after 30 Days? There are loads of resources to help you on your journey.