Pray for Muslims for seven days
This free seven-day prayer challenge helps Christians understand more about Muslims and engage in prayer for them, via e-mail or smartphone. Ideal for someone who has never considered praying for Muslims!
Once participants have signed up they will receive a daily short feed guiding them in prayer for UK Muslims in an inspiring way. Our prayer is that through this challenge many more Christians and churches will be introduced to praying and reaching out to their local Muslim community.
Challenge starts 29 September!
Who could you invite to take the challenge?!
Send them a personal message with our digital flyer or print it out to put it up as a poster on your church noticeboard.
How can I love a Muslim by praying?
Jesus calls us to love our neighbour and even to love our enemies. So there is no one we cannot love, including Muslims! How do you know if you really love a Muslim or not? A good test is to pray blessing for them for a few days and see how you get on!
If you’re a Christian and have never thought about praying for Muslims, this challenge could be for you!
Are you ready to take the prayer challenge and ask God to give you His heart for Muslims and pray for them daily for one week?
If you succeed in this challenge, you may want to join us for a second week to pray for some of the most urgent prayers for Muslims in the UK.
The Seven-Day Prayer Challenge starts Sunday, 29 September 2024, and will be made available at various times throughout the year after that.
How to sign up to pray for Muslims
There are two ways you can sign up:
Pray for Muslims by e-mail
Click or tap on the button below
Enter your details and check ‘Seven-Day Prayer Challenge’ box
Leave ‘Receive general e-mails’ checked (otherwise we can’t send you the prompts!)
You’ll receive a daily e-mail direct to your inbox and then pray when it suits you
Pray for Muslims via smartphone app
Scan the QR code or tap on the button below
Follow the instructions on screen to (a) download the PrayerMate app (b) subscribe to the Seven-Day Prayer Challenge feed
Then pray using the app on your smartphone and adjust your settings to receive a daily notification
Scan this QR code with your smartphone to setup the app and feed
Other benefits of using the PrayerMate app are that you can use it to organise your daily prayer life by creating your own prayer lists and by subscribing to feeds from various Christian ministries, including Mahabba Network.
FAQs about praying for Muslims
Jesus told us to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (ethne – people groups) Matthew 28:19. Today, the largest grouping of unreached people in the world are Muslim. This is reason enough to focus on Muslims!
In the UK, there are 3.9 million Muslims. Just living in the UK does not mean Muslims have access to the good news. Communities (including Christians) can live in ‘silos’ separated from one another by language, culture and religion. Therefore, since we are sent by Jesus, we need to intentionally reach out to Muslim communities or they can remain isolated from the good news.
In the Mahabba Network, our motivation is ‘Loving all Muslims’. Jesus tells us to love our neighbour (Mark 12:30, 31), to love the ‘stranger’ (Matthew 25:35), and even to love our enemies (Matthew 5: 43–48)! So there is no one left that God does not ask us to love! So in response to Jesus’ command and motivated by love, we focus on Muslims. Of course, there are many other people groups Christians should focus on. Yet the reason Mahabba exists is ‘to see ministry among people of Muslim heritage become a normal part of church life.’
Scripture gives us a number of reasons. Jesus said that his house was to be a house of prayer for all nations in Luke 19:46, which today would also include Muslims. In 1 Timothy 2:1-6, Paul also asks the Church to pray for all people to be saved, which would now include Muslims. Jesus, moved with compassion, told us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into the harvest field in Matthew 9:35-38.
Some people are fearful about Islam and see extremists as a threat. This is not a reason for Christians not to pray for them. Jesus said ‘bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you’ Luke 6:27, 28.
PrayerMate is an app used by over 100,000 Christians to organise their personal prayer life and to receive prayer items from various Christian ministries so they can pray. You can read more about it here:
Yes, it is free to use, though some content is paid for. All the Mahabba Network content is free to use.
The easiest way is to use the QR code above.
Alternatively, you can download the PrayerMate app on your smartphone or computer:
The easiest way is to sign up using the QR code as it will take you directly there, or use this link:
Alternatively, download the PrayerMate app and then, once it is installed, click on the + button at the top of your screen.
Select ‘Download content’, Search for ‘Mahabba’ and subscribe to the challenge feed.
You will be invited to continue for a further seven days, receiving more specific prayer information.
Once you have completed our challenge (a total of 14 days) you may want to pray for something completely different, that is fine, thank you for taking our challenge! Or you may feel God wants you to continue praying for Muslims. If you do, then you may find that easier to do with others. If you would like to continue praying for Muslims in a local Mahabba group or online contact us here and we will help you do that.