Action & Impact March Update
You may have spotted the network survey in your inbox! The pandemic has changed the way we relate to each other. In every sphere of life we’ve adapted to online meetings, smaller gatherings, and less face to face contact.
This has impacted Mahabba prayer groups across the country. We’ve heard encouraging stories of groups embracing change and improvising during the pandemic. And we’ve been reaching out to new audiences on Instagram and through our prayer meeting for millennials.
But, what now? Restrictions have been lifted. Spring is here! What does getting back to ‘normal’ mean for Mahabba network? We’d love to check in with Mahabba prayer groups across the country, find out how you’re doing, and how we can support you moving forward.
As a network we have these are our core guiding principles that we apply to everything we do:
Gracious attitude and faithfulness to biblical truth
Being relational
Persistent prayer
Encouraging ‘everyday’ Christians to gospel witness
Ownership by local churches
Growing believers
We’d like to find out how groups are functioning so that we can support you better, and keep these values at the centre of our activities. It shouldn’t take long to complete - but there are a few different sections to make it easier.
Section 1 is very brief and aims simply to help us figure out which groups are meeting, where, and how many people attend.
Section 2 goes into more depth and contains links to several Mahabba resources which may be useful to you.
Section 3 gives you the chance to speak more fully about specific areas of opportunity or challenge that may exist.
We really appreciate you taking the time to fill it in. All responses are valuable in helping us plan for the future. Thank you if you have already completed the survey. As one person responded, It’s encouraging and inspiring to hear from members who “all feel that same burden to pray“ for Muslims in the UK.
Please take a few moments to CLICK HERE and fill in the survey.
Help Mahabba grow & develop: Become a volunteer
As a relational network, volunteers have been vital to the growth of Mahabba. We currently have some gaps in our Support Circle, which help support local groups and Network activity.
For more info and for a friendly chat about whether one of these could be a good fit for you, get in touch with Simon by e-mail
Our local Mahabba groups are the centre of our work as a network. If you’re not connected already, why not get in touch or connect up with someone you know?
Volunteer with Mahabba
As a relational network, volunteers have been vital to the growth of Mahabba. We currently have some gaps in our Support Circle, which help support local groups and Network activity.
If you want to serve the Mahabba vision and have a few hours spare per week or month, we’d love to hear from you. Click HERE
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting on Discourse. It’s a great place to connect with other members.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, best and most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. There are lots of prayer events during Ramadan, which starts on the 2nd of April. Check out the events page and sign up for the links. We’d love to see you there!
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are. Last month we shared some short videos called Journey To Truth, which you can share with your Muslim friends.
Find out more HERE