Linked up to love

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Action & impact: April update

This month has seen the beginning of Ramadan and we have been joining with other Christians around the world to pray for Muslims at this time. If you haven’t already, sign up for our daily #LoveFast prayer updates, with insights into Muslim culture in the UK and ideas to help focus our prayers.

Connecting Online

It continues to be a challenging time across the Globe with the CoVid19 crisis, but we are encouraged at how many in the Mahabba network are connecting and meeting together online. There is an encouragement for us to remember to keep praying and to be open to where there might be new opportunities to connect and share Jesus’ love with Muslims.

In Woking and Newbury, Mahabba’s vital work continues, now being coordinated online, as well as Friends International based at Surrey University, who are switching to doing the HolyBookClub on Zoom. In Wycombe this will be the 5th year of city-wide Ramadan Prayer nights - this time using Zoom.

The benefit of online connection has meant there’s a wider inclusion with those who are located further away. For some, despite the difficulties of the crisis, it has prompted really great conversations with Muslim neighbours as they support families who are isolated.

There are still ongoing challenges, with some finding online connections difficult and many families being particularly vulnerable at this time. Our prayers are always needed - prayers that many would find a way to connect, despite isolation, and that the needs of the most vulnerable would be met.

Testimonies via telephone

It’s great to be reminded that there can be opportunities to share faith with Muslims in all contexts. A member of the Mahabba network, who’s from a Muslim background, shared this testimony a few weeks ago:

“A Birmingham based, (Mirpuri) Muslim contacted me through LinkedIn, with an interest in my education work. This followed a few electronic interactions and today we spoke on the phone for about an hour. 

When the subject of what I do came up, I mentioned being a Christian and my Mahabba work, as well as other work with the Diocese. In response to his questions I told him which church I was a part of and we talked about how my family had reacted to my conversion. We agreed to keep in touch.

Afterwards, he sent me a message saying thank you for my time and that he really enjoyed the conversation. 

This has encouraged me to be ready to help spread Mahabba in all areas of our lives and I look forward to a day when there is no one left to tell my news, because they will all say: yes we know!”


For Muslims in isolation and those disconnected because of the lockdown. That they would be able to connect with others and particularly be able to engage with Ramadan as they would like to. That local Christians would be able to support them and that positive new connections would be made.

For local faith networks looking to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. Particularly churches, Mosques and city councils working together to deliver food parcels and others services.

For the Wycombe Ramadan Prayer night - that this gathering would bring many people together to pray for Muslims and that the use of Zoom wouldn’t hinder the impact of this event.


Your financial support allows Mahabba to continue to equip those, like our friend in Birmingham, who are working with Muslims, despite these challenging times.

Why not consider how you could further your support with a regular financial donation?


Why not share with friends, your small group or Church about the work Mahabba is doing?

Encourage them to consider supporting this vital work.

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Get ready for LoveFast

Our 30 days of prayer for the Muslim World begins on 24th April 2020.

Sign up here to receive our daily updates and be part of a movement of prayer to see Muslims encounter Jesus.

Stay Connected

To stay connected with more of what’s happening and engage with others across the network, please sign-up to Discourse - our new forum for community discussions, by following this link.