Photo by Paulina Milde-Jachowska on Unsplash
The book of Revelation has a recurring phrase: “ To him who overcomes will be given …”
Some preachers would stir our hearts to activity and a “success” mentality by implying that this phrase refers to fruitfulness. Conversely, others point to the power of perseverance and faithfulness which they see suggested here. Pete Greig writes that:
fruitfulness has nothing to do with the work that we do but everything to do with how connected we are to the source of life - Jesus.
Some questions to ask ourselves as we meet with God in our abiding times:
What motivates me?
What messages am I living with and where are they from?
What have I got skewed?
How do I discern the difference between the struggle it is to keep persevering and nudges from God to move on?
When do I know that I just need to knuckle down?
How do I do that well?
Miriam Williams Dec 2022