More about Mahabba

If you want to find out more about Mahabba, you can find an overview below. If you want to share about Mahabba with your church or print off a summary to read, you can find a short intro to Mahabba below.

Or watch a short intro video to Mahabba

What’s Mahabba’s vision?

To see ministry among people of Muslim heritage as a normal part of church life

This is the picture of the future that inspires and drives Mahabba. When the Mahabba Network is successful in its mission, churches engage well with people of a Muslim heritage.

What’s Mahabba’s mission?

Mahabba operates as a relational network, which gives people of Muslim heritage the opportunity to find and follow Jesus, by…

Encouraging prayer

Helping to grow regular, persistent prayer for Muslims.

Enabling all Christians

Helping to see the opportunities, grow in confidence, build friendships and share Jesus with Muslims.

Envisioning the Christian community

Inspiring church leadership with what God is doing and helping churches see their own vision fulfilled for Muslims to have the opportunity to follow Jesus.

Engaging with Muslims

Helping local churches to build bridges with local Muslim communities in order to reach out in love; share Jesus and nurture Christ-followers who reach out in their own community.

What are Mahabba’s values?

These are our core guiding principles that we apply to everything we do:

  • Gracious attitude and faithfulness to biblical truth

  • Being relational

  • Persistent prayer

  • Encouraging ‘everyday’ Christians to gospel witness

  • Ownership by local churches

  • Growing believers

If that’s not enough, you can read even more about Mahabba below!