Place the lonely in families.
Update #29 for November from the Mahabba Network
With the conflict in Afghanistan and the plight of refugees being reported on our televisions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. How should we pray?
This month we spoke to a couple who live in Colchester. They co-ordinate the Mahabba Group there, and they run Bridgeway Mission.
Originally from Iraq, they moved to the UK 14 years ago, and are acutely aware of what it is like to settle in a new country. They help Muslim migrants from the Middle East settle in their new homes in the UK. And in August, as the Afghan crisis unfolded, they welcomed 170 people from Afghanistan. Working with local churches and community groups they provided these families with basic furniture, clothes and household items.
We asked them how we can pray, and what we can do, to support Muslim migrants and refugees in our local communities.
They explained that the greatest need they see is the need for social connection. Loneliness is so common. Together they organise social events so that Muslim migrants and refugees can meet people from the local communities.
Great consideration is given to the activities and the food so that newly arrived Muslims feel comfortable and able to join in.
We personally might not be able to organise social events, or help physically, but we can all pray.
Here are some areas of prayer that you could cover:
1. Pray for social connection. Pray that Muslims refugees in your local area would find ways to connect with the community.
2. Pray for churches that are hosting refugees or coordinating donations. Pray they would be able to match supplies with the right families
3. Pray that children would find good schools to settle into. Pray that they would learn the English language quickly and would feel welcome in their new classes.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing. Psalm 68: 5-6
As we remember this beautiful Psalm, let’s pray that those fleeing unimaginable hardship find peace and hope here in the UK.
Will you join us to pray for Afghan refugees in the UK?
If you’d like to learn more about Muslim people we have a new resource on our website. We’ve collated a few books, written by Muslim authors, which will give you fresh insight into their life and culture.
Just click the button below to take a look.
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Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. At the beginning of December, Mahabba Network is hosting a new monthly prayer meeting for young adults, praying specifically for Muslims between the ages of 20-35.
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
Find out more HERE