Action & Impact May Update
Ramadan Prayer
Your contributions helped us facilitate the prayer meetings that we hosted during Ramadan – thank you! This year, we held Zoom prayer meetings every Friday and hosted a special meeting to coincide with the Muslim ‘Night of Power’. It was moving to see men and women from a Muslim background sharing in these meetings and encouraging us with their stories.
Network Survey
Many of you will have participated in our Network Survey which was an attempt to get a picture of how the pandemic affected our regional groups, find out ways that we can be supporting our members and hear about any challenges or opportunities that exist. We’re thankful for all the people who took the time to fill this in.
Unsurprisingly, given the upheaval of the pandemic, some Mahabba groups have shrunk in size or have closed down – yet it was really encouraging to hear of many groups who thrived on Zoom and others which have even started up in the last year
Trustees Meeting
The Mahabba Trustees will be meeting in Birmingham on 22nd June. They will be reviewing how best to govern the Network. Important topics that they have been working on for a number of months will be discussed. Please pray for unity in the Spirit and wisdom from the Lord. The Trustees will be joined by the Circle Holders.
For the first time, Mahabba can now be found on PrayerMate. We will be posting prayers every Friday and hope to launch a 30-Day Challenge to pray and act towards Muslims in love in the UK. Click here to sign up.
Help Mahabba grow & develop: Become a volunteer
As a relational network, volunteers have been vital to the growth of Mahabba. We currently have some gaps in our Support Circle, which help support local groups and Network activity.
For more info and for a friendly chat about whether one of these could be a good fit for you, get in touch with Simon by e-mail
Our local Mahabba groups are the centre of our work as a network. If you’re not connected already, why not get in touch or connect up with someone you know?
Volunteer with Mahabba
As a relational network, volunteers have been vital to the growth of Mahabba. We currently have some gaps in our Support Circle, which help support local groups and Network activity.
If you want to serve the Mahabba vision and have a few hours spare per week or month, we’d love to hear from you. Click HERE
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting on Discourse. It’s a great place to connect with other members.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, best and most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. We’d love to see you there!
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are. Last month we shared some short videos called Journey To Truth, which you can share with your Muslim friends.
Find out more HERE