Day 12 of 30
By Ted from Mahabba’s Network Team
Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
Thought for the day
Strangers in a strange land
This year, on two different occasions in my little English town that no one has ever heard of (well, nearly no one!) individuals have turned up from the remote Sudanese region of Darfur.
Both, for different reasons, entered a church for the first time in their lives.
Many years ago, I heard that a group of people had been praying earnestly for 50 years for the Gospel to be made known in Darfur.
And still there was no permanent Christian witness.
Much has changed since then but it is still a hard place to get into.
God has responded to those prayers in a variety of ways.
One of them is that people from Darfur are turning up in our towns and cities, many of them lost and alone, seeking peace and acceptance.
Let’s be there for them.
Prayer for the day
Lord, please connect me with those you are bringing from remote places and help me to show your love.
Daily action
Be on the look out to welcome Muslims from the remotest places in the world.
Your turn
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Pray Together as a Congregation
Small Group Session
Night of Power Prayer Meeting
Prayer Walk Guide
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