Action & impact: March update
These are certainly challenging and troublesome times. But we know that we have a God who is unchanging and faithful! However isolated or uncertain we are, we can still pray and put our trust in Him.
This month we’re featuring two of our Mahabba networks from further afield. We’re blessed to be able to pray for our friends across the globe, wherever we are, and to connect through technology. Let’s not forget to find ways to offer hope and light to our Muslim neighbours and friends in these difficult times.
Gordon Hickson recently visited Denmark where Mahabba is currently reaching out in the three main cities of Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus. He was able to speak to over one hundred leaders from all over the country, sharing about the work of Mahabba and the call to demonstrate the love of Jesus to Muslims. The gathering was significant as it brought together several denominations where there is often tension. However, ‘the atmosphere of unity was wonderful’ and relationships were forged to work together, with plans to begin new Mahabba groups in cities and towns across the nation. There are Mahabba partners in Denmark who have already been able to completely integrate into Muslim communities – for this work to multiply in other locations would be really exciting.
There is also hope that Mahabba will be able to spread out across Scandinavia and see more networks established in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
The Mahabba network in France has a new director, Salah Mokrani. Salah has an incredible personal testimony of coming to faith and a wonderful vision to see Muslims reached with the good news of Jesus in every city and town across France.
He has already had the opportunity to open the Bible with two thousand Muslims in Lyon’s largest Mosque and is planning a conference entitled ‘Salvation Belongs to Our God’ for up to a thousand Muslims to attend.
Salah says:
“The harvest is ripe. Muslims are ready to come to Christ. Who will speak to them? Who will tell them that God loves them and wants them to become his sons and daughters? Who can encourage and train Christians to bear witness to their faith in Muslims?”
Your financial support allows Mahabba to continue to equip those in Denmark and France and to see new prayer groups start across many nations. Why not consider how you could further your support, whether financially or through regular prayer?
Why not share with friends, your small group or Church about the work Mahabba is doing? Encourage them to consider supporting this vital work.
Not sure how to get your church involved? Check out a recent update which highlights Mahabba’s focus on envisioning Christians to reach out to Muslims and how you can be part of extending this work. Click here to read more.
Please pray with us …
For Muslim nations particularly affected by the CoVid crisis – that healthcare would be available to the most sick, basic supplies would be accessible and the spread of the virus would lessen.
For Mahabba prayer groups to be able to continue to join together during isolation, using online tools.
For the ability for Christians to connect and reach out to Muslims, in a safe way, during this time. That they would be able to share something of Jesus’ hope.
That new Mahabba outreach groups would be able to stay connected in some way and not lose the opportunities to share about the Gospel. In particular – homework club in Cardiff and the HolyBookClub at Guildford University.
For preparations for Ramadan and the beginning of #LoveFast.
That having to cancel events would not hinder the spread of the Gospel and the Kingdom work that is happening, particularly amongst Muslims in all spheres of society.
Get ready for LoveFast
Our 30 days of prayer for the Muslim World begins on 24th April 2020.
Sign up here to receive our daily updates and be part of a movement of prayer to see Muslims encounter Jesus.
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