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Day 5 of 30
By Steve Bell from the Mahabba team
Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples…who he took as prisoners…As he neared Damascus…suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”. Saul asked, “Who are you Lord?”; “I am Jesus who you are persecuting.”
Thought for the day
Ultra Islam
‘Wahabbism’ is an Islamic ‘movement’ that was founded by the Saudi Qur’anic scholar, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. It is an ultra-conservative doctrine, which is puritanical and often linked with Islamist ideology.
The Wahabbi movement has a disproportionate influence. This is due to the fact that it is endorsed by the Saudi royal family as the religion of state. Oil-money is made available to propagate this strict form of Islam worldwide; this includes scholarships for Muslims to study in Saudi Arabia, funding for the worldwide building of mosques, subsidising of the publication of the Qur’an, funding Muslim missionaries and propagation of literature and online material. There is also a lot of evidence of Wahabbi influence in the more devout and radical elements of the Muslim community in Britain, which it is propagated by assertive Muslims.
Wahabbi doctrine is a significant driver, which is causing the internet-savvy younger generation of Muslims to reject it. They see it as ‘backward-looking’, which aspires to return to a perceived ‘golden age’ of Islam, rather than being relevant to the present and future.
Prayer for the day
‘Father, thank you for your authority in the spiritual realm and that you are at work at the heart of human movements and ideology, such as Wahabbism. We recognise your loving interest in the most strident of religionists and ask you to intervene in the hearts and minds of the most prominent Sheikhs, Mullahs, Imams and speakers. Do among them, what you did for Saul of Tarsus we pray. In Jesus’ name we pray. – AMEN
Daily action
Please note: actions were written before the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult the latest advice from your local public health authority or government and adhere to any current restrictions on travel or social situations.
Research and read more on Wahhabism in UK. For example, this article from 2017 Check in your own heart and mind, whether you are ‘in faith’ (or not) that God is both able and willing to arrest radical Muslims as he did Saul of Tarsus.
Your turn
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