Day 22 of 30
By Ted from Mahabba's Network Team
Inspired by today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.”
Thought for the day
My car was in an unusually filthy state, even for me.
I took it down to the manual car washing service round the corner where I was welcomed by a man with an accent and a big smile.
He scrubbed the car as if it was a joy. I asked his name. Ali.
Every time I walked that way I stop to greet him. He seems so pleased that someone should just stop and talk to him.
Who takes any notice of a car washer? He is from Iraqi Kurdistan.
He has worked in various places over the last few years.
He is one of the new population of transients that move amongst us, not in a caravan like traditional gypsies but never truly at home either. He too is a neighbour.
Prayer for the day
Open our eyes to notice the people near our homes but far from theirs. Pray blessing for every person you see or think of.
Daily action
Watch God’s heart for the foreigner
Your turn
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