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Spotlighting the Mahabba focus of enabling
An update for March from the Network
These regular updates are continuing to unpack the refreshed Mahabba vision and how it’s being worked out in practice across the Network. In case you missed it, last time we reflected on the Mahabba ethos of envisioning the Christian community. That’s the picture of the future we’re looking to, believing and working for.
Mahabba’s vision is to see ministry among people of Muslim heritage become a normal part of church life - Mahabba is a relational network - Encouraging prayer – Envisioning the Christian community – Enabling all Christians – Engaging with Muslims
A key part of the Network’s vision is the enabling and equipping of all Christians. It’s through many everyday Christians, sharing in everyday situations, with everyday Muslims, that Jesus will be made known in the Muslim communities of the UK.
The Network draws on the understanding of experienced cross-cultural workers, but we all know the task of engaging with Muslims can’t be the responsibility of just a few specialists. Mahabba groups, in multiple ways, are helping local Christians to see the opportunities, grow in confidence, build bridges of friendship and share good news. Here are some recent examples:
A member of our Mahabba group was approached by a friend who wanted help to share her faith with a Muslim colleague. She was given a copy of “Engaging with Muslims” by John Klaassen. Yesterday, she returned the book full of praise at how it had brought about great discussions.
Something as simple as lending a book or pointing to a helpful website can make a difference in enabling someone to reach out.
One group has asked a Muslim-background believer to speak at a workshop for local Christians - not just to encourage and inspire but specifically to equip them for conversations with Muslims.
Another group recently ran sessions exploring Christian Presence in a Multi-faith Context and Faith in Educational Settings – questions and opportunities, practical and theological responses.
What have you found helpful in enabling and equipping local Christians? What resources are most needed for your situation?
Add your thoughts and read the discussion on Discourse via the link below.
The Network’s Resource Circle is up and running and drawing on the experience of the wider network. This working group is identifying needs and the best available resources, creating required resources and connecting resource people to specific needs. Work is underway to gradually build a ‘one stop shop’ as part of the Mahabba website where the best resources can be accessed easily.
The group has started by collecting and preparing materials related to Encouraging Prayer and several resources will be released soon, and will continue with the other Es (Envisioning, Enabling, Engaging). Please contact Gillie with any resource questions, needs, recommendations or suggestions. More to follow!
Let’s keep sharing and learning from one another.
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From Phil Goodchild for the national Team