Image: Mike Wilson, Unsplash
Church guest services for Muslims
A topic from the World Cafe session of the National Gathering 2017.
Two basic types:
- Invite Muslims to usual church events, e.g. worship service, baptism, wedding etc.
- Put together ‘Muslim friendly event’, e.g. breaking the fast meal (iftar) during Ramadhan
- ‘Lent service’ at start of fasting period in Ramadhan, Muslims open to attend weddings, baptisms
While we should be careful not to cause offence, e.g. dress code, hugging between genders, treating the Bible with ‘disrespect’, we should also remain authentic, e.g. sing, read Bible, keep mixed gender seating
- We have something to offer in our worship that speaks to the heart
- Multi-language scripts/Bibles helpful and someone to sit with visitors to explain activities – when to sit, stand, pray etc.
- Several testimonies of Muslims who were affected by promises of baptism, songs, hospitality
- Teaching is important, but it’s the Love that draws them in
See also a helpful topic on The City about Muslim-friendly guest services [requires login]