Photo by Mikaala Shackelford on Unsplash
Did you know that we have a Mahabba prayer group just for millennials? It was launched in January. It is for anyone aged between 18-40. The group meets once a month on Zoom to share stories, testimonies and prayer. The focus is praying for Muslim millennials and for those working with this age group. We have 40 millennials signed up, many of them are from London, but there are others from around the country. Recently, one of the members went out to serve in the Middle East. If you, or anyone you know, would like to get information from this group you can sign up through the website or contact Annie for more information:
New blog post
Read the second in our short blog series on faithfulness and perseverance. Click here.
Join us for the face to face
The core leaders of the Mahabba Network are very much looking forward to meeting together in person for a face to face meeting in Birmingham on 23rd and 24th November. Mahabba is a relational Network and meeting together in person to pray and plan is really important to us. We would love to have the whole Network there and Zoom now makes this virtually possible! We are opening the sessions that are suitable for a hybrid meeting for you to join us. Mahabba aspires to be a grassroots led network. Come and join us and help us shape the future growth and life of the Network:
1. Wednesday 23rd 4:30-6:00pm (Where we're at as a Network and thinking about how we resource it)
2. Thursday 24th 9:00-11:00am (World Café - what do you want from the Network?)
3. Thursday 24th 2:30-4:00pm (Abdullah on reaching Muslims in their 20s & 30s)
Email for the Zoom link
The Support Circle
Last month we talked briefly about our Mahabba circles and how they fit into our vision. This month the focus is on the Support Circle. This group has volunteers who are responsible for the Mahabba prayer initiatives, for finance and for the general running of the network. They meet once a month on Zoom to check in with projects, update on the latest news and pray for one another.
Meet the volunteer
Annie is a millennial who lives in the UK and loves befriending people from different cultural backgrounds. She is passionate about sharing her faith in Jesus Christ with people of different religious backgrounds. Annie facilitates a monthly Mahabba millennial prayer Zoom for Christian young adults (aged 18-40) praying specifically for millennial Muslims to know the love of Jesus Christ and follow Him.
Your thoughts
Do you find what you read in this newsletter helpful? Are there better ways that we could be serving or equipping you? We’d love your feedback, email
Volunteer with Mahabba
We are currently seeking someone to work with social media and to foster healthy discussions on our community platform. For more info and for a friendly chat about whether this could be a good fit for you, get in touch. Click HERE
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting about all sorts of topics, including recommending free training available and sharing encouraging testimonies.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. Ramadan has begun. Register for information about the prayer events happening throughout April and May.
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
Find out more HERE