A one-day event entitled Faith, Radicalism and Christian Witness from London City Mission, hosting Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali.
A one-day event entitled Faith, Radicalism and Christian Witness from London City Mission, hosting Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali.
It will feature talks on secularism, Islam and Christian witness from a leading Christian expert on mission and relations with people of other faiths.
This one-day conference is a good opportunity to think about how the church can persevere in sharing the good news in the face of secular and religious extremism.
If you or others in your church are interested in attending, you can book your place online.
Tickets: £15 (includes lunch, refreshments and handouts)
Date: 7 July 2018, 10:30am – 4:30pm (register from 10:00 am)
Location: Central London (venue confirmed upon registration)