
  1. Why do we collect your personal data?
  2. What do we do with your personal data?
  3. Will we do other things with it in the future?
  4. What if you do not provide information or consent?
  5. What do we do to ensure the security of your information?
  6. What are your rights of access to your data?
  7. What will we not do with your data?

Privacy notice - Newsletter

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Note: 'we' = Mahabba Network; 'you' = you, the individual


1. Why do we collect Your personal data?

The Mahabba Network is very busy because of all the active groups at a grassroots level. This means there is lots of news and things to talk about.

We run a popular maillist, sending out a newsletter with the latest news, stories and encouragements every one to two weeks.

We provide the newsletter sign up form that you've just seen so that you can join this specific mailing list to stay in touch with all that's going on.

As part of the process of subscribing, we ask for some personal data - no more than is required to allow you to receive the communication. 

All that we require is an e-mail address, which is perfectly sufficient.

2. What do we do with your personal data?


After submitting the subscribe form, your e-mail is passed to MailChimp and you are added to the maillist.

MailChimp is the service we use to write, design and send e-mails for the newsletter. You can read MailChimp's privacy policy and terms.

Once you click submit, you will receive an automated message from MailChimp, asking you to confirm your subscription.

If you complete this stage, it is evidence that shows you willingly signed up (and you can unsubscribe at any time) and that we were compliant in gaining your consent to send you correspondence.

Finally, if you complete the opt-in process, you will receive a brief note, welcoming you to the maillist, so you know you're sorted.

If you choose not to confirm your subscription, none of your data will be stored and you will not hear anything further from us.

3. Will we do other things with it in the future?

We do not do anything with your data other than use it in order to communicate with you about general Mahabba news and information.

We will not use it to send you other newsletters or marketing in the future or contact you out of the blue or anything else unrelated to your original subscription.

4. What if you do not provide information or consent?

To receive the newsletter, you will need to submit your e-mail address as a bare minimum.

If you do not enter it in the subscribe form or decide not to confirm your subscription, you will not be able to receive news, as it is run entirely through e-mail.

At the time of signing up, we provide a clear note with the form (linking to this page you are reading) indicating that we will process your data in order to fulfil your request.

5. What do we do to ensure the security of your information?

  • We do not store any of your personal information on our website
  • We use two-factor authentication where possible to add an extra layer of security to protect data
  • We use a secure password manager to store passwords and log in to services - we do not recycle short, insecure passwords across multiple sites!
  • We do not share login credentials between members of our team, but set appropriate permissions for access where needed to ensure that your data is not compromised
  • We keep our security settings up to date to ensure that if there is a breach, we can quickly rectify it or regain access to accounts

6. What are your rights of access to your data?

  • We operate according to the legislation on data protection, which means that you have the right of access to your data which we store and process
  • You have the right to request that we provide this
  • We will do so free of charge and in a commonly-used or machine-readable format
  • If you would like us to delete or provide your data electronically, please submit an access request

7. What will we not do with your data?

  • When we receive a request from you to subscribe to the newsletter, we will:
    • Not automatically add you to any other mailing list, other than the general one
    • Not share your data with third-parties
    • Not contact you out of the blue six months later about something unrelated